
CEO 安德里亚·格雷厄姆 (center) with Shannah Martin, 总护士长(左), 罗宾·克罗斯比, 首席运营官


采用医疗 recently held their first 宣传 event as part of their new Team C.A.R.E. 员工敬业度计划. 下面,首席执行官安德里亚·格雷厄姆写下了C团队背后的个人灵感.A.R.E.

2015年8月,我开始了在苹果医疗保健的旅程.  On my first day of work at 采用医疗, I felt different than I had in any other job I had held.  我感受到了目标.  I felt that everyone here at 采用医疗 cared deeply about the patients and residents within the organization and strived to provide the best experience for everyone who utilized the services of 采用医疗.

随着我在苹果医疗事业的发展,我担任过很多职位.  I first served in the direct patient care of our patients and residents as a clinical pharmacist and the Director of Pharmacy.  Serving in this capacity gave me first-line access to see all the amazing care that is given to our patrons.  在农村社区服务一直让我感到非常自豪. Although our resources may be limited, 农村诊所的服务人员总是让我感到惊讶.  These rural providers go above and beyond to take in any and all education provided, 无论是来自组织内部还是组织外部, 在他们的私人时间准备好照顾万博买球世界杯的病人和住院医生.

As I continued in my role as the Director of Pharmacy, 随着变化的发生,我开始在苹果医疗保健公司担任新的角色.  I served as the Chief 质量 Officer, 合规官, 风险管理, 兼首席运营官.  Through each of these roles, I got to experience 采用医疗 in many different ways.  I got to see how all of the different facets that make up the patient experience come together.  尽管每个病人的经历

获胜团队是C组的apple Healthcare员工.A.R.E. 9月大张旗鼓. 9, 2023.

起源于不同的领域, whether it be the Emergency Department, 医生办公室, 或者门诊服务, 万博买球世界杯组织的所有部门都为这一体验做出了贡献.  Through my different leadership roles, I could see that not only did the clinical staff go above and beyond for our patrons, but also staff in non-clinical areas (such as 金融, 健康信息管理, 收入循环, 及人力资源, to name a few) all shared the same passion for creating the best patient experience for our patients and residents.

当我成为苹果医疗保健公司的首席执行官时, I thought a lot about how I could take all of the different opportunities I have had in our organization and all the passion I have seen in each different department and build unity within our organization to show we are all on the same page.

As many of you know, I lost my father last year.  My dad was an avid sports enthusiast, 在成长过程中, I spent most of my childhood at some sporting events.  在我父亲的悼词中, the preacher told us a story of the 1924 World Series between the New York Giants and the Washington Senators.  The story goes: The New York Giants and the Washington Senators were tied after six games in the 1924 World Series. In the final game at Griffith Stadium to determine the winner of the 1924 World Series, the two teams were entering the ninth inning, and the score was tied at three runs each.

纽约巨人队没有得分,华盛顿参议员队开始击球. The Washington Senator fans screamed for one lone run, 哪支球队会赢得系列赛和世界冠军. 前两名击球手被击出出局,看起来会有加时赛.  然后,一个名叫里昂·高斯林的球员来到了本垒板.

Two strikes were called, and then two balls. The crowd was watching every pitch. Goslin stepped into the ball on the fifth pitch and slammed it to left-center field.  观众们都疯了,因为这一击似乎是一个本垒打.  As it turns out the ball hit just inches below the top of the wall and fell back onto the field.

当高斯林跑垒的时候,他放慢速度打了一个三垒安打.  His third base coach waved him on to head into home plate for an in-the-park home run. 高斯林在一团灰尘中溜进了家,似乎是在标签出现之前的一瞬间. 接球手按照惯例绕垒投球, 以防万一, while waiting for the umpire to make the call. 裁判推迟了他的判罚. 在与其他裁判协商后,他喊道:“你出局了!’


华盛顿参议员的经理, 巴基哈里斯, and his team and fans rushed onto the field, 抗议这一呼吁. The umpire calmed the crown and proclaimed, 女士们先生们, the batter is out…not because he didn’t beat the ball at home plate but because he didn’t touch first base!’ The players were always required to touch each base with their foot as they rounded the bases. 戈斯林没有这么做!

牧师继续说, “准备击球了, 击球, 如果你错过了一垒,跑垒也不算数. We may look like we’ve made it Home, but the Umpire who sees it all and knows we must play by the rules will call us ‘out.’”

Although the preacher was speaking about my father’s salvation in his eulogy I held onto these words.  I thought about these words and how they applied to me, 我的人生历程,以及我作为苹果医疗公司CEO的角色.  这就是C组.A.R.E进化自.  In all the experiences I have had at Appling I knew that I wanted us all to see that we are all on the same team.  万博买球世界杯有着共同的使命.  We cannot do this by not touching first base. If we focus solely on what is going on in one area and not the other we will not make it to home plate.

Home plate for 采用医疗 is building a sustainable organization to provide care for Appling County for many years to come and serve generations to come. In order to reach home plate we must focus on People, 质量, 金融, 服务, 增长, 和社区.
